Please feel free to download and use the software and documents below, which I have written for various reliability and measurement purposes.
Each software download is a compressed (.ZIP) archive. See the Readme.txt file included in each archive for conditions of use and installation instructions. By installing and using the software, you agree to the conditions of use. Please note the following that applies to all of the programs:
(a) The programs are offered on an as-is basis;
(b) The author takes no responsibility for results or effects of running the program, including incorrect results, adverse effects on your computer or software, or any kind of loss or damage, material or immaterial;
(c) You may freely use and redistribute any of the programs, but you may not sell them, or include them in any product that is sold.
This software calculates the iota coefficient (an extension of kappa to interval or categorical multivariate data and several judges) for one-way multivariate agreement. (One-way: When there are different judges for different objects/cases.)
This is the program related to the article: Janson, H., & Olsson, U. (2004). A measure of agreement for interval or nominal multivariate observations by different sets of judges. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64, 62-70.
The program runs on Windows 98 and later. See the Readme.txt file in the compressed archive for instructions.
Download the compressed archive containing the oneway iota program (24 KB)
This software calculates the iota coefficient (an extension of kappa to interval or categorical multivariate data and several judges) for two-way multivariate agreement. (Two-way: When one set of two or more judges who have rated all of the cases.)
This is the program related to the article: Janson, H., & Olsson, U. (2001). A measure of agreement for interval or nominal multivariate observations. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 61, 277-289.
The program is known to run on Windows Vista through to Windows 10, and may run on later versions (not tested). See the Manual.pdf file in the compressed archive for instructions and examples.
Download the compressed archive containing the twoway iota program (about 8 MB)
Legacy version: Original program known run on Windows 3.1 through to XP, and may run on later versions (not tested). See the Manual.pdf file in the compressed archive for instructions and examples.
Download the compressed archive containing the legacy version of the twoway iota program for old Windows versions (about 2.4 MB)
This software is a utility for calculating interrater agreement for Rorschach Comprehensive System codings. The program also can export response-level or protocol-level data to text files or SPSS syntax files.
This is the newest version of the software, which works on Windows XP and later. It has not been thoroughly tested; I am thankful if you report any possible problems you encounter.
See the Rru.pdf file in the compressed archive for instructions and examples.
Download Rorschach Research Utilities, version 3.0.0 (about 8.5 MB)
This software is a utility for calculating interrater agreement for Rorschach Comprehensive System codings. The program also can export response-level or protocol-level data to text files or SPSS syntax files.
This is the 2003 version of the software, which works on Windows 3.1 and later (not tested on Vista or Windows 7).
See the Rru.pdf file in the compressed archive for instructions and examples.
Download Rorschach Research Utilities, version 1.0.2 (about 3.0 MB)
This is the handout for my half-day workshop on Rorschach intercoder agreement presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment in March 2008.
Last updated March 7, 2010